Advanced Quality Assurance

Ease Your Audits with Epicor Kinetic

Traceability and audit of quality data drive businesses to develop “systems,” often paper-based, to support the collection and use of quality testing data. Epicor Kinetic Enhanced Quality Assurance is designed to extend base Quality Assurance within the Production Management module with support for managing controlled test plans and the results for products, groups of products, processes, and other testing:

  • Define testing elements or attributes and lists of attributes to test, which can be used to measure against testing results for pass/fail decision criteria.
  • Analyze the available Statistical Process Control (SPC) data.
  • And ease your future audits.

Epicor Kinetic - Production Management - Advanced Quality Assurance

Epicor Kinetic Advanced Quality Assurance 's Main Features

Epicor Kinetic Job Management Planning Workbench

Inspection Plan

Build inspection plans that utilize specification lists and inspection attributes. Define unique business inspection attributes or characteristics. Attributes can be numeric, character, date, check box, combo box, or comments. Sets of attributes define test plan inputs with additional criteria, including minimum and maximum values expected, combo box choices, and document attachments. For optimum control, each specification list is revision controlled.

Inspection plans use embedded configuration capabilities to build input screens tailored to each unique test plan, layout fields, and data to match quality department expectations. Default documents can be tied to the inspection plan. For optimum control, each test plan is revision controlled.

Drag-and-Drop Interface

Training Course Management

Manage employee training events for both onsite and offsite training, including management of training costs. Assign instructors and set schedules for courses. Employees can be assigned appropriate courses to attend or can request training themselves. Review employee training with the Training Course Tracker for proof of certification to perform work.
Epicor Kinetic Job Management Costing

Flexible Inspection Plan Configuration

In addition to the dynamic nature of the inspection plan (i.e., the results entry form is dynamically built based on the tied specifications list), multiple inspection plan/ specification list sets can be connected to a part, operation, or equipment. This flexibility supports requirements for standardized test plans to sit alongside product or product group-specific test plans with results entry and collection of data for both during the inspection.
Epicor Kinetic Job Management Production Planners Workbench

Flexible Results Collection

Collect and store results data for each sample alongside the right job, part, inspection plan, serial number, lot number, purchase order data, and more. Results data can be used to produce compliance documentation and is available for audit purposes online through the Inspection Results Tracker.
Epicor Kinetic Job Management

Support for Inspection Types

Make first article inspections and store results for audit and analysis. Tie inspection plan/ specification combinations to an operation to trigger results entry for the operation during collection of data on the plant floor. Perform receiving inspections on parts subcontracted to a specific supplier. Track results and generate supplier performance metrics with data from sample results.
Epicor Kinetic Job Management Order-to-Job Linking

Skip Lot Cycle Definitions

Optionally categorize and set up cycles for receiving inspection with skip lot logic that follows the optimum frequency of inspections for suppliers. Whether inspecting all lots or inspecting one and skipping the following ten lots, skip lot helps ensure that quality control manages the inspection frequency.
Epicor Kinetic Job Management Tracker

Real-Time Quality Analysis

Whether responding to a bad test result immediately with Business Process Management (alerting a quality manager about a critical result), performing trends analysis, responding to an auditor request with data pulled from a Business Activity Query, or reviewing supplier performance utilizing analysis cubes and dashboards. All the data you need is available with a robust toolset to support your unique business requirements.
Epicor Kinetic Job Management New Change Order Notifications

Resource Calibration Test Plans

Predefine inspection plans for the resource (gauge) calibrations and manage the last calibration date.

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