Manufacturing Execution System (Data Collection)

Accurate Data-Thorough Insights-More Effective Decisions

Epicor Kinetic Data Collection (formerly known as the MES feature within the Production Management module) is an easy-to-use module for the plant floor that allows plant-based transactions real-time visibility throughout the Epicor solution. Enable accurate labor reporting and online transaction tracking through Data Collection for a real-time picture of what is occurring on the plant floor by employee and job.

Integration with Epicor Job Management, Scheduling, Quality Assurance, and Advanced Material Management eliminates dual entry and provides real-time views of the latest plant floor scheduling priorities online. In addition, integration with the Epicor Document Attach Tool allows plant floor access to needed documentation, such as product drawings, process documents, and multimedia videos.

Epicor Kinetic - Production Management - Manufacturing Execution System

Epicor Kinetic Data Collection's functionality

Epicor Kinetic-flexible data entry technology

Flexible Data Entry Technology

Use a touchscreen, mouse, bar code, or keyboard interface to update labor information from the plant floor.

Eliminate data entry mistakes and increase transaction speed by scanning a bar code tag to complete a transaction.

Epicor Kinetic-work queue

Work Queue

Provide employees with prioritized work schedules and make information directly available to the plant floor. Select multiple operations for work at the same time, full sheet views of specific to current, available, or expected work. Target work based on TAKT, pieces, hours and set up group designations, and advanced search capabilities.
Epicor Kinetic-Multilingual Data Collection

Multilingual Data Collection

Display the Data Collection screens in the employee’s primary language.
Epicor Kinetic-Distributed Hours

Distributed Hours

Automatically split labor hours across multiple jobs being worked on simultaneously by an employee—likewise, split resource or machine hours when two or more employees work on the same resource.
Epicor Kinetic-Quality Reporting

Quality Reporting

Capture rework and scrap reason codes and miscellaneous employee comments from the plant floor. Use the Quality Assurance options to report setup inspection, first article, piece counts, and more.
Epicor Kinetic-Shop Warnings

Shop Warnings

Keep supervisors informed of a job’s status or an employee’s performance using shop warnings, which appear in various locations throughout the system when certain conditions or events occur.
Epicor Kinetic-Grace Periods-Multiple Shifts

Grace Periods/Multiple Shifts

Manage clock-in and clock-out periods with adjustments made for user-defined grace periods. Accommodate split and staggered shifts.
Epicor Kinetic-Trackers in the Plant

Trackers in the Plant

Access online trackers on the plant floor from within Data Collection, such as Job Tracker, Order Tracker, Customer Tracker, and Shipment Tracker. Shop Tracker shows who’s here, who’s not here, current work center activity, as well as user-defined alert conditions from the plant floor.
Epicor Kinetic-Shipping and Receiving

Shipping and Receiving

In combination with the Advanced Material Management module, maximize responsiveness in the warehouse with Shipping and Receiving functions from within the Data Collection module.
Epicor Kinetic-Inventory Management

Inventory Management

In combination with the Advanced Material Management module, maximize responsiveness in the warehouse with Inventory functions such as adjustment, material issues, and physical inventory counts from within Data Collection.
Epicor Kinetic-Material Handling

Material Handling

In combination with the Advanced Material Management module, maximize the responsiveness of material handlers with material move queues and allow operators to request WIP moves of product from one location to another, maximizing control of in-process products while reducing delays. Move WIP products into inventory storage locations or stage WIP at the following resource based on available space and time. Quickly and accurately identify WIP and inventory containers with system-generated bar codes.

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